On January 17th, we had a heavy duty spray day. Remember the following:
1. This area of air space seldom has high altitude commercial jets.
2. Its very very difficult to get pictures of high altitude aircraft and contrails. Think about it! They are 6 to 7 miles high. The Kodak company will tell you in a heartbeat that their cameras are not designed to take such pictures.
3. Texas and the Deep South are the last place you'd expect to find halos around the sun due to the climate. Usually they are found in the dead of winter in the North East and Canada under extreme cold conditions.
4. Humidity was too low today for normal jet contrails. They need humidity to the point of saturation like 90% to 95% humidity.
5. Chemical trails can be laid at any altitude.
6. Chemicals trails don't evaporate, they disperse from higher concentrations to lower concentrations.
7. Chemical trails will appear massive when laid out at low altitudes.
8. When the FAA doesn't investigate your complaint but sends you a letter explaining the definition of a contrail you should be doubly suspicious. Thousands of people who are seeing this can't be wrong.