Saturday, August 8, 2009

White Skys?

Sometimes we get confused when it comes to the color of the sky in Houston. When I moved here, it looked blue like this every day. But ever since chemical spraying has been in operation, the color of the sky has changed considerably.

Here is a good example of the milky white/blue it has become due to chemtrails.

It hardy matters what day you look at the sky. It appears that there is a canopy of a whitish chemical over Houston as well as Texas the majority of the time. When I called the National Weather service in Dickinson they thought it was ozone. However, ozone is colorless in the lower atmosphere and blue color in the upper atmosphere. Also, as you watch the clouds go by, they appear to be dissolving as they fly by. Is it a wonder we area always in a state of drought.

Saturday Afternoon Chemtrails

Spraying over the house is easy to see. First come the planes. Then comes the spraying. Then comes the expansion. Then comes the milky blue skys. Then comes the chem cough.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

What kind of massive waves are passing over East Texas? Are they simply gravity waves or are they electromagnetic weather altering waves.

One day I called the US Weather service in Dickinson and talked to a meteorologist. He said that when waves like this are present, the weather changes and therefore his forecast changes.

This is the same weather altering activity that Tom Bearden a government military scientist talks about in his book "Fer De Lance"

These waves were taken over Australia. Some people call them gravity waves. Other people call them weather altering electromagnetic waves. The kind that HAARP can create. The kind that can alter the weather.

Could this be the real reason Australia is in a state of drought?

What kind of clouds are these coming out of the west and traveling east?

Look around at the sky around you and ask yourself, are these familiar looking clouds? When did clouds have these perfectly formed edges? When did clouds appear as if a drop of water fell into a pond and created such nice looking round clouds? You decide.
Here is a clear blue sky in Lubbock, Texas. This is one of the heaviest chem hazes I've seen.
Whats coming out of this tree?

1. The exhaust of a rocket

2. A fire burning below

3. Smoke coming from a refinery or factory

4. An unknown chemical from a low altitude jet that is expanding and dispersing and which will soon settle on ground level for you to breath

You decide ____

What object is the real cloud and which one is suspicious chemical cloud.

Whats wrong with this picture?

Clouds have particular shapes and colors that we can easily identify. But what what is the cloud next to it. Could it be a chemical cloud. Take a good look at its color and shape. Its different shade of white and its shape is not what you'd expect to see in a cloud.
Whats wrong with this photo?

First, commercial jets don't travel in pairs of two. Military jets do.

Second, the air is too dry out for this activity.

Third, if they were 30,000ft or higher you would hardly notice them.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Whenever suspicious activity is done under low altitude clouds beware.

Are these man-made or normal?

Several months ago when I called the national weather service in Dickinson, they said that when these waves are present, it goofs up their weather forecasting.

How low do you think this chemical trail is from the light? Do you think its 6 to 8 miles high above the earth were normal jet contrails are?

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Traveling from Lubbock to Houston

The month of March is about to change but it would not be complete without these two pictures. Although its difficult to see at 15,000ft on an American Eagle Flight, we saw the trails and the spraying. The date on this is March 9th at 12:31pm.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

University of Houston Optometry Building 030304

Last night, I had to go to the Optometry Building at the University of Houston around 5:00pm. The first thing that I noticed were these massive contrails over the building. A massive chemical X was just over our heads. You can't help but ponder whether or not a satellite is watching this activity so that the jets can make their mark. What are we breathing in? What is the name of this particular chemical? What health hazard does it pose for the students at this campus?

Monday, March 2, 2009

Aerosol Spraying All day Long

Spraying went on all day long. It never stopped. One jet after the other came over my house. The sky was a mess and it slowly turned milky white/bluish color.

Trail of the Day

Does this trails look like its 6 miles high? Or does it look massive in appearance and close to the ground?

Monday, February 23, 2009

December 2008

There's always something going on if you look hard enough.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Chemtrails 021209

This week I've seen alot of night spraying although its much harder to photograph. Three days out of this week the air has been filled with static electricity. When the jets with the small chemical tails are out, the atmosphere becomes more electric. Any touching of metal constantly brings shocks to your hands and fingers. Here's a few pictures from yesterday.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Night Time Spraying 020807

About 10:00 my wife and I arrived with a friends house near Kirkwood and Richmond, on the west side of Houston. The moment we got out of the care and looked up you could see a halo around the moon and chemtrails above our heads.

Problem with this picture?

1. When was it possible to see normal jet contrails that are laid 6 miles high to appear like they are right over your head?

Thursday, January 29, 2009

This morning my wife and I opened the garage around 7:30 to go to work and what did we see? Chemtrails.

What's wrong with this picture?

a. Normal jet contrails are 6 miles high or over 30,000ft and you'd barely notice them. These are massive and very noticeable.
b. The cloud in the photo is suspicious looking. It looks like a chemical trail was laid down and instead of dissolving like normal jet contrails do, its expanding into something massive for us down at the bottom to breath in.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Satellite Chemtrails 01/28/09

Massive chemtrail on satellite photography near Houston, Texas.

Its hard to hide this activity.

If this was normal jet contrail activity, you would have seen it all over state of Texas not just near dry Houston. Also, you would see lots of commercial jet contrail activity over the state but you do not.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

January 27 - peek a boo

Its been a cloudy day outside for most of the day. Every once in a while the sunshine would peek out. But looking in a westerly direction toward HWY6 peeks two chemtrails. Whats wrong with this picture?

a. Would you actually think in an opening of the clouds that you'd expect to find a normal jet contrail? No! Because normal jet contrails are formed at 30,000ft and above. They would look pencil thin and you'd barely notice them.

b. There are 2 trails in this picture. Commercial jets don't fly around in pairs of 2 but military jets do.

c. This type of activity is being reported all over the nation.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Saturday Morning January 24 above my house

When chemtrails are dispersed, they affect the clouds in unusual ways.

a. The clouds look sickly.
b. They have unusual lines and waves in them.
c. Although they look like they may deliver tons of rain, only small amounts, if any are reported.

Chemtrails in Austin 012309 12:00pm

This was taken in Austin, Texas. The jets are flying in teams of 3 to 4 racking the sky.

Whats wrong with this picture?

a. Austin typically has a dry atmosphere and low humidity. Thats why normal jet contrails seldom form in Texas. Chemtrails don't need any humidity to form.
b. Commercial jets don't fly in groups of 3 and 4.
c. I lived in Austin in 1999 and never saw this kind of activity before.

Spraying Under The Low Altitude Clouds

Whats wrong with this picture?

a. jet contrails don't form under low altitude clouds. They form at altitudes of 30,000 and higher.
b. chemtrails can be sprayed at any altitude and the closer to the earth they are sprayed the easier it is to breath them in.

What happend on January 23rd in Texas?

Many places in Texas were subjected to aerosol spraying by the military.
Whats wrong with these satellite photos?

a. Normal jet contrails that show up on satellite photography are huge, massive, bright white and extremely rare. You can go on the TECQ web site and watch these photos daily and you will seldom see high altitude, expanding trails. Do you know why? Because they are rare in the Deep South like Texas.
b. The trails in these photos are small and dull in color. Why? Because they are closer to earth and warmer.
c. Remember that Texas is in a state of drought. All this past week we had dry winds coming out of the north. Normal jet contrails need humidity to the point of saturation. They don't exist in dry air.

Friday, January 23, 2009

January 23 morning chemtrails

This is a solarized photograph of a morning chemtrail being laid UNDER the low altitude clouds.

Whats wrong with this picture?

a. Normal jet contrails are created at altitudes of 30,000ft (6 miles) or higher. You would seldom if ever (which means NEVER) expect them to be laid under cloud cover between 10 and 15 thousand feet.

Chemtrail Grid HW6/Westheimer Houston, TX

On 01/22/2009 Thursday, we had a chemtrail grid that could be seen for miles away. I first saw it near Fondren and Westheimer and frantically drove to HW6 and Westheimer to get a good shot.

What's wrong with this picture?

1. All week long we have had a blast of dry air from the north. Theres not enough humidity anywhere in Houston or upper atmosphere to make this happen. Remember you need humidity to the point of saturation to create a normal jet contrail. Chemical contrails can be sprayed in any climate. That's why its important to examine your weather statistics for the day of this activity.

2. Commerical flight activity would seldom if ever create this pattern. Why?
a. Theres seldom if ever any high altitude jets in this area of airspace to do this according to Flight Explorer Radar.
b. If this was the case, it would seldom to come to your attention due the fact that normal jet contrails occur between 6 and 7 miles high. Try to photograph a bridge 6 miles away and see for yourself.
c. Commercial jets aren't allowed to fly this close let alone intersect each others paths.

White haze above neighborhood

In the morning, at noon and in the evening the white chemical umbrella can be seen with much more distinction.

1. In the morning as the sun rises the eastern sky will be milky white.

2. At noon, as the sun rays shine down the white sky is more pronounced.

3. Between 5pm and 7pm the white haze/sky is more pronounced.

Monday, January 19, 2009

January 19, 2009 Bluer Skys in Houston

Today, a northern wind came down to Houston. It blue out alot of the chemicals that the chem planes laid out yesterday. Around 7:30 I went for a walk around the neighborhood with the dog and you could tell a remarkable difference in the sky. Instead of looking through a dim white film, you could see a much clearer sky and you could see the stars much, much better.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

January 18, 2009 at Dairy Ashford/Westheimer

As we pulled into McDonald's at Dairy Ashford and Westheimer just before church around 9:30 on the 18th, we were awestruck at the magnitude of the military spray activity. We saw and photographed a huge Chem X above the resturant. The second photo was taken as we sat near a window eating as two jets in tandam were laying two trails which almost had the appearance of being extensions of power lines on several power poles. The third picture is a picture of a water vapor satellite picture which clearly shows low humidity in the Houston air space. When we got to Lakewood we saw another huge Chemtrail above the stadium. Later we went out to eat at the Alameda Mall and they were there as well. The city of Houston seemed to be racked back and forth with Chemtrails.

Keep in mind the following facts.
1. Jet contrails occur 6 miles high or higher. - you would barely notice them or be able to photograph them.
2. Normal jet contrails need humidity to the point of saturation 90-100% - Chemtrails do not.
3. Commercial jets don't travel in pairs - military aircraft do.
4. The most unlikey place for jet contrail activity is in the deep South due to its heat.
5. At any given moment you'll only find between 3 or 4 high altitude jets in the Houston airspace and seldom flying near each other. This is easily proven using the Flight Explorer radar program. The remaining traffic is low altitude because its either landing or taking off.
6. High altitude jet contrails are seldom seen on satellite photography but Chemtrails are.