Thursday, January 15, 2009

January 15, 2009 at Richmond and HW6 8:00am

I step outside at 7:00am everyday and I am never disappointed. Here we have a Chem X in over the neighborhood. What do you think the chemical is that they are spraying? Why over my house?Remember that jet contrails occur at 6 miles high. Does this look like its 6 miles high? Also, normal jet contrails occurr only in high humidity to the point of saturation not in the dry air we experience now on a day to day basis. Think about the days when you would see humidity in water droplets on your windows. That's the kind of humidity you need for normal jet contrails. Chemtrails don't need any humidity, are laid at low altitudes (which is why they appear huge) and can last for hours. What's worse, they always seem to spray over MY house.